Work has continued. I’ve lettered page 2 and 3.
I do my lettering in Illustrator and then import it to Photoshop (usually with my son sitting on my lap watching something on my computer...). Special lettering, like sound effects and signs, I do in Photoshop. I find the text/image manipulation better there than in Illustrator, where as the continuous editing of text is way better in Illustrator.

I have started laying out page 4-6 ( or chapter 2, page 1-3, if you wish) bit at this stage, even I am having trouble telling what’s what. When they look a little clearer, I’ll post them.
I have started laying out page 4-6 ( or chapter 2, page 1-3, if you wish) bit at this stage, even I am having trouble telling what’s what. When they look a little clearer, I’ll post them.
Have a great day. (And as always, you wanna let me know how I’m doing, please post below.)

If you want to learn more about Jon Pay or Gus MacDugal, there are three comics available on ComiXology.
(Jon Pay, PI and All supporting characters ™ & ©, C. A. Aabø, 2018. Ghost Sails, ™ & ©, Emmet O'Brien &C. A. Aabø, 2018. )