Saturday, January 23, 2010

A small Sidestep!

As previously mentioned I am taking a little "sidestep" from the current Jon Pay story I am working on. Somehow I have managed to make some headway on it. This is the top half of this one-pager. Am hoping to ink and color this puppy in the very near future. Hope you like it.


  1. Looking good, brah! Love the layout and hope to see it colored!

  2. Te ha quedado mu chulo, sobre todo la primera viƱeta del crucigrama.

  3. Ya done me proud, boy! Ya done me proud!

  4. Jenaro - Thank you kind sir, I hope to see it inked and colored.

    Ilelanin - Gracias. I love doing stuff like the puzzle-title/-panel. It makes things more intersting.

    Doc Monster - It is WAY over due!!
