Wednesday, May 23, 2018

22.05.18. Pennies from heaven

...and that is a good description of how much work I got done today. Well, when your "art time" starts at 23:00 after a very long day, it is difficult to get motivated. Progress was made and that is how I will look at it.

This is a little looser than I normally go. I am trying to do some of my "tight pencils" in the inking. I am quite satisfied with the result. Still a little work left. 

If you want to learn more about Jon Pay or Gus MacDugal, there are three comics available on ComiXology

(Jon Pay, PI and All supporting characters ™ & ©, C. A. Aabø, 2018. Ghost Sails, ™ & ©, Emmet O'Brien &C. A. Aabø, 2018. )

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