Saturday, January 20, 2018

Day 57: INK!!!

Apologies time again. Work was done yesterday but nothing I could post. At least not for the time being. You can check out some of the previous pencils and try to imagine where I've gone from there. 

Also had a bit of a planning session for all planned work yesterday. If I want to make set deadlines (not counting any unforeseen changes) I have to stick to schedule. So far so good (one day in, I know!!) And as you can see both Jon and Miss. Hills are both shocked and surprised by said scheduling. 

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. 

If you want to learn more about Jon Pay or Gus MacDugal, there are three comics available on ComiXology
(Jon Pay, PI and All supporting characters ™ & ©, C. A. Aabø, 2018.)

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