Monday, December 4, 2017

Day 24: oh poop!!

Went to bed and between posting late yesterday and a LOT of family time today, I realised that I forgot to post the work I'd done. I had to fill in some details on panel 10 and I did a lot of "construction work" on the background of panel 12. Well, considering that panel 12 is ALL background, it's fairer to say I did a lot of work in panel 12. I'll add the work tomorrow and also post the finished panel in Day 25s post.

Good night.


The promised update of work done.

It's a more interesting update now, isn't it?

If you want to find out what is going on in the panels or if you want to learn more about Jon Pay or Gus MacDugal, there are three comics available on ComiXology

(Jon Pay, PI, Gus MacDugal and Jack Knightley ™ & ©, C. A. Aabø, 2017.)

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