Monday, December 11, 2017

Day 31: Dies intermissus

Junior wasn't feeling well last night and today, so not too much progress. The invisible people, Jon, Jack and Ella, have appeared.

Admission number one, I do not speak Latin. 

Admission number two, there may be a clue to one of the mysterious situations in Jon Pay, PI: Prizefighters & Knickerbockers in this panel, but you'll have to read to full story to get it. So patience!!

If you want to find out what is going on in the panels or if you want to learn more about Jon Pay or Gus MacDugal, there are three comics available on ComiXology (for a very reasonable price if I do say so myself... and I'm a cheapscape...)

(Jon Pay, PI and All supporting characters ™ & ©, C. A. Aabø, 2017.)

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